3-06: Hearings Motions: SELF-CALENDARING: 21 Days Notice or More
LBR 9013-1(b) provides that parties may schedule hearing dates and times when the hearing will take place on "Regular Notice", which is 21-42 Days of Notice -- this is called "Self-Calendaring."
Indicate Date/Time/Location of Hearing in Caption: A party does not actually put a date on the court's calendar. Instead, a party reviews the judge's self-calendaring instructions and identifies an available hearing date and time. Then, a party will insert that date and time on the caption page of their notice of hearing, their motion, and all other documents pertaining to that hearing.
- After the party files the motion and notice of hearing, court personnel review the documents and perform steps to put the motion on the judge's calendar.
- If there is any problem with the date and time you selected, the court will promptly notify you.
Limitations on Self-Calendaring: To determine a date and time that is available, you must consult your judge's procedures posted on their webpage.
- Look for a calendar of available hearing dates and general instructions that identify the particular days and times that your judge conducts hearings on specific types of motions, status conferences, objections to claims, and adversary proceeding conferences or trials.
- Some judges provide a list of motions that may not be self-calendared.