The court uses a system called “CM/ECF” for attorneys (and some other organizations that file lots of documents) to electronically file, view and copy bankruptcy case documents. Only attorneys who have registered with a court and been provided with a CM/ECF password are entitled to file documents electronically.
To review CM/ECF filing requirements and procedures, see the Court Manual.
eSR is an online tool to help individuals complete a chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy petition when they have decided to file bankruptcy without an attorney. Click here to learn more about this online tool.
The Electronic Drop Box is a tool available to self-represented litigants to enable them to upload court documents for filing that do not require a filing fee. Once you are determined to be eligible to use the Electronic Drop Box, the court will provide you with a link to upload your documents. After the court reviews the uploaded document it will be deemed filed with the court.