Forms for Filing a Bankruptcy Case
A combination of different forms must be used to file a voluntary bankruptcy case, including a Bankruptcy Petition, Schedules, and Statements. Bankruptcy Petition Packages and all forms required for filing a bankruptcy case include basic instructions and all of the forms required to file a bankruptcy case.
Loan Modification Forms
Loan Modification forms have been approved for use in the Central District of California’s Bankruptcy Loan Modification Management Management Program.
Local Bankruptcy Rules (LBR) Forms
LBR forms are approved by the Central District of California Bankruptcy Court. Each LBR form is numbered to correspond to a related LBR (e.g., F 3015-1.1 is related to LBR 3015-1).
Mediation forms have been approved for use in the Central District of California’s Bankruptcy Mediation Program.
Official Bankruptcy Forms
Official Bankruptcy Forms are approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States to file and take action in bankruptcy cases and adversary proceedings. For more information, such as instructions and committee notes, please visit the forms page on the United States Courts website.
In addition to bankruptcy-related forms listed above, the Central District of California Bankruptcy Court has approved other forms for use in the administration of a case, or has modified Official Bankruptcy Forms.
Proof of Claim Forms
Proof of Claim forms are often-used Official Bankruptcy Forms that may be filed by creditors in a case. Creditors will be provided with a notice if and when a Proof of Claim should be filed in a case as well as the deadline for filing a Proof of Claim. Instructions are included on Proof of Claim forms.
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