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Hearings: LBR 9075-1(a): EMERGENCIES (48 Hours of Notice)

2-07:  Hearings: LBR 9075-1(a): EMERGENCIES (48 Hours of Notice)

When attempting to schedule a hearing on 48 hours of notice or less, you must follow LBR 9075-1(a).

Unlike requests for a hearing on shortened notice, there is not a "form" to file to apply for a hearing on 48 hours of notice or less.  Instead, the process requires you to call chambers to see if the presiding judge will set a hearing on 48 hours of notice or less. 

  • Some judges require you to file your Emergency Motion FIRST, and then contact chambers to determine if the judge will provide a hearing date on 48 hours or less of notice. 
  • Other judges allow parties to call chambers before filing the Emergency Motion to discuss the relief requested, and provide a hearing date if the judge determines the relief merits being heard on 48 hours or less of notice.  Please consult your judge's website to determine the judge's requirements.  Once you determine the procedure, be sure to immediately deliver your Emergency Motion to the judge using the method required by the judge, whether by personal delivery or email. 

In order to avoid docketing errors and confusion, please title your document "Emergency Motion" only if you follow the procedures of LBR 9075-1(a) and cite LBR 9075-1(a) on the caption page of your motion.  

Section 2 - Serving Documents & Giving Notice
Section Number or LBR Number: 
Reference to Local Rules and/or Forms: