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Honorable Deborah J. Saltzman

All hearings before Judge Saltzman will offer remote connection through ZoomGov. Hearing participants may view and listen to hearings before Judge Saltzman using ZoomGov free of charge. Observers may monitor hearings using the ZoomGov telephone audio connection. 

For Los Angeles Division matters, aside from evidentiary hearings and trials, there is no need to contact the court for permission to appear remotely.  Please check Judge Saltzman’s tentative rulings to find the Zoom link for each day. If you intend to appear in the courtroom, please notify the Courtroom Deputy at least 24 hours before the hearing.

For Northern Division matters, aside from evidentiary hearings and trials, all hearings before Judge Saltzman will be via ZoomGov. The courtroom will be locked; parties must appear by Zoom and will not be permitted to appear in the courtroom.  

Judge’s Copies: Judge Saltzman does not follow the Judge’s Copy requirements of Amended General Order 20-12.  Until further notice, no judge’s copy of any document is required unless a copy is requested by chambers.  If chambers calls to request a judge’s copy, it must be provided by means such that it is received in chambers within two business days (for example, by messenger or overnight mail).

Notwithstanding the requirement in General Order 20-12, Judge Saltzman does not require a call to chambers to advise that a document was filed unless it seeks emergency relief.

Judge Tabs


United States Bankruptcy Court
Central District of California
Edward R. Roybal Federal Building and Courthouse
255 E. Temple Street, Suite 1634 / Courtroom 1639
Los Angeles, CA 90012


(213) 894-3021

Emergency Motion Contacts

(213) 894-3022
(213) 894-3004

Los Angeles and Santa Barbara

Courtroom Deputy
(213) 894-0995

Court Recorder Contact
(213) 894-1539

Please send all judges' copies to the Los Angeles address.

Chapter 13
Phone/Video Appearances
Judge Deborah J. Saltzman’s
Procedures for Remote Appearances
All hearings before Judge Saltzman will offer remote connection through ZoomGov. Hearing participants may view and listen to hearings before Judge Saltzman using ZoomGov free of charge. Observers may monitor hearings using the ZoomGov telephone audio connection. 
Video and audio connection information for each hearing will be provided on Judge Saltzman's publicly posted hearing calendar, which may be viewed online at: 
Zoom participants may use a personal computer (equipped with camera, microphone, and speaker) or a handheld mobile device (such as a smartphone).  Participants and observers may participate with audio only through ZoomGov using a telephone (standard telephone charges may apply). 
The audio portion of each hearing will be recorded electronically by the court and will constitute its official record.

Tips for a More Successful ZoomGov Court Experience

  1. Test the video and audio capabilities of your computer or mobile device in advance of the hearing (i.e., at least one day in advance).
    1. Click on the ZoomGov meeting link posting for the hearing and/or check your video and audio using the ZoomGov app.
  2. If you intend to speak at the hearing, please find a quiet place from which to participate.
  1. If you are connecting to the hearing using a wireless device, situate yourself in a location with a strong wireless signal.
  2. Unless and until it is your turn to speak, please mute your audio to minimize background noise.
    1.  If connected to ZoomGov audio by telephone, you can mute or unmute your connection by pressing *6 on your phone.
  3. When you first speak—and each time you speak after someone else has spoken—please say your name.  This may seem awkward but is essential to making a good court record.  The only part of the hearing being recorded is the audio.  If a transcript is requested, it is sometimes difficult for the transcriber to know who is speaking.
  4. If you are participating by video, try to avoid having a window or bright background behind you (a bright background can make you appear on video as a silhouette or shadow).  If you cannot avoid the bright background, try using a desk lamp or other light source to brighten your face.
  5. If you are participating by video using a personal computer, you may separately connect to the audio feed by telephone (for improved audio) using the call-in information provided for the hearing.
    1. If you do this, please connect to the video feed first.  In the ZoomGov app, you will be assigned a Participant Code.  Use this code to associate your video and audio feeds.
  6. If available, a headset-microphone often provides better sound quality for listening and speaking.

  7. Participants and members of the public should at all times remember that although conducted remotely, these hearings are official court proceedings, and individuals should act accordingly.

    1. If video is enabled, please wear suitable attire. A suit isn’t necessary, but “business casual” would be appropriate.

    2. ZoomGov permits the use of virtual backgrounds to safeguard your privacy.  If you choose to use a virtual background, please avoid backgrounds that are offensive or distracting.

  8. ZoomGov video participants are permitted to specify a display name.  If using video, please specify your complete name to assist the Court in creating a record of the proceedings.

Revised 10/02/23

Printable version of Judge Saltzman's Telephonic Appearance Procedures


Tentative Rulings
About the Judge



  • Amherst College, B.A., 1991, Phi Beta Kappa
  • University of Virginia School of Law, J.D., 1996

Career Record:

  • 2008-2010: DLA Piper LLP (US)
  • 2006-2008: Hennigan, Bennett & Dorman LLP
  • 2001-2006; 1996-2000: O'Melveny & Myers LLP
  • 2000-2001: Klee, Tuchin, Bogdanoff & Stern LLP
  • Admitted to the California Bar, 1996

 Professional Memberships:

  • State Bar of California
  • National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges
  • Los Angeles County Bar Association
  • American Bankruptcy Institute
  • Financial Lawyers Conference
Judge Location: