Self Calendaring TabsInstructionsSELF-CALENDARING PROCEDURES FOR JUDGE RONALD A. CLIFFORD III’S NORTHERN DIVISION CASES For matters that will require hearings of less than fifteen (15) minutes in length, and that are set for hearing on regular notice, Judge Ronald A. Clifford III allows counsel and parties to schedule such hearings without prior approval from the Courtroom Deputy. For matters that will require hearings in excess of fifteen (15) minutes in length, please contact the Courtroom Deputy to obtain a hearing date for such matters. The instructions for self-calendaring are below. The following matters may not be self-calendared: Applications for orders shortening time Emergency motions Omnibus objections to claims, or multiple motions objecting to claims by the same party in the same case where the total number of claims being objected to exceeds twenty (20) at a single hearing Motions for temporary restraining orders or preliminary injunctions Motions for reconsideration pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 59/Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 9023. A hearing date, if any, will be provided only after the motion has been filed. Movants should contact Judge Clifford’s law clerks at 805.884.4860 after the motion has been filed. Judge Clifford may rule on a motion for reconsideration without a hearing. Status and Pre-trial conferences (all chapters) Trials in adversary proceedings Reaffirmation agreements Motions to appoint a chapter 11 trustee or examiner Please refer to the Local Bankruptcy Rules (“LBRs”), the Court Manual and the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure (“FRBPs”) regarding the filing and service of motions, and the time frames for filing motions and related pleadings. Matters that do not require hearings may be filed in accordance with LBR 9013-1(o)(1). Questions regarding the court calendar should be directed to the Courtroom Deputy at (213) 894-1485. PLEASE NOTE: Calendar dates are subject to periodic revision, check here for the current version of Judge Clifford’s self-calendaring hearing dates. This notice is posted in Judge Clifford’s courtroom and on the Court’s website ( under the Judges tab, then select Judge Clifford, and then Self-Calendaring. INSTRUCTIONS STEP 1: Verify that the matter to be self-calendared is not a matter identified above that is prohibited from Judge Clifford’s self-calendaring procedure. STEP 2: Identify available dates and times from the available self-calendaring dates for the matter to be self-calendared. STEP 3: Select hearing date(s) to give sufficient notice of all matters to all parties entitled to receive such notice pursuant to applicable provisions of the LBRs, the Court Manual and the FRBPs. PLEASE NOTE: If you choose a date for a relief from stay hearing that is greater than 30 days from the date you file your motion, you are deemed to have waived the time limits of 11 U.S.C. §362(e). STEP 4: Prepare a notice of hearing for the date and time selected. Refer to the LBRs, the Court Manual, and the FRBPs for applicable filing and procedural requirements, and the current court-approved form(s) to use (some forms are mandatory). STEP 5: File and serve pleadings in a timely manner. Refer to the LBRs, the Court Manual and the FRBPs for applicable filing procedures and service deadlines. If proof of service is insufficient, the moving party’s motion may be continued or denied. STEP 6: The Court will make every reasonable effort to honor a party’s selection of a hearing date. However, the Court reserves the right to reschedule any hearing. A party will be promptly notified if a self-calendared hearing has been re-set. STEP 7: After the hearing on the motion(s), if directed by the Court, a proposed form of order should be submitted electronically via the Lodged Order Upload program (“LOU”) in accordance with the LOU Procedures contained in Section 4 of the Court Manual posted on the Court’s website. Except as provided by LBR 9021-1(b)(1)(B), a proposed order must not be submitted or uploaded via LOU prior to the hearing absent permission of the court. Revised 01/03/2025 Printable version of Judge Clifford's Self-Calendaring Procedures DatesSelf-Calendaring Dates Honorable Ronald A. Clifford III