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Lodge a Replacement Order in LOU

Processing Instructions (rev 10/28/2014): 
NOTE: Once the Court has checked-in an order, an order cannot be replaced.
  1. Select Bankruptcy/Adversary menu.
  2. Select Lodge Orders Upload.
  3. Select the applicable division office.
  4. Type in case number.
  5. Select Pending Motions or All Motions
  6. Input search criteria to narrow document list (Optional).
  7. Click Next.
  8. Select the applicable CM/ECF document number of the relevant motion or certain non-motion type.
  9. Browse and insert the applicable order file in MS-Word format.
  10. Check the "I have an Exhibit (PDF)" checkbox to upload a PDF formatted exhibit/attachment along with your order.
  11. Browse and insert the applicable exhibit/attachment in PDF format.
  12. Select Upload Order to upload or Cancel to cancel.
  13. Select the order you want to replace.
  14. Select Next.
  15. Print confirmation.