For additional information and forms, go to Forms > Other Forms > Proof of Claim
IMPORTANT! If a claim lists both a payment address and a noticing address (see claim form box titled: Name and address where notices should be sent), please select and/or enter the noticing address for the creditor. The court uses the noticing address to send notices out to creditors.
NOTE: Prior to filing your claim please review the creditors list for your case to verify if the creditor's name/address is listed. When filing claims creditor's name/address must match exactly as entered and shown on proof of claim.
If you have Debtor's Attorney filing access:
If the creditor is not listed, or it is listed but creditors address on the pdf does not match, you will not be able to add a creditor's address due to configurations within the ECF system. Please contact the ECF Help Desk at (213) 894-2365 for assistance.
If you have Creditor's Attorney filing access:
As a creditor's attorney, if the creditor is not listed or listed but address on the pdf does not match, the Add Creditor hyperlink allows you to add a creditor to the case.
Processing Instructions (rev 10/28/2014):
- Select Bankruptcy menu
- Select File Claims.
- Enter case number, creditor name (if your unsure of how creditor's name is entered leave this field blank to view all creditors), and type of creditor (always accept default, Creditor).
- Highlight creditor name/address, select next.
- If creditor not found, Select Add Creditor hyperlink and enter creditor. When finished entering the creditor select File a Proof of claim hyperlink and start from #2 of the processing instruction.
- Enter amount(s) without ($) signs or commas in the appropriate field(s) under “Amount Claimed” section. The total of all claim categories will automatically populate in the “Total (Display Only)” field.
Browse, verify and attach the document (PDF file).
- Attach additional supportive documents, if applicable.
- Print the Notice of Electronic Filing. This is the verification that the document has been electronically filed.