Effective: November 25, 2013
The following events are available on the applicable case docket in CM/ECF for tracking the progress of a transcript request. You must have a PACER account to view the case docket. The docket may also be viewed at the Court on public computer terminals.
Processing Instructions:
- Transcript Order Form: This event appears on the docket when a Transcript Order Form is filed and uploaded onto the related case docket.
Transcript Record Transmittal: Upon the filing of the transcript order form, the Clerk's Office will prepare and send the Court's records to the transcriber, then enter a new event "Transcript Record Transmittal" on the case docket and relate it to the Transcript Order Form. This docket event indicates that the Transcriber may now be contacted regarding processing status of the transcript and fees. Transcript Record Transmittal docket text includes:
- The Court's transcript order number
- Hearing date to be transcribed
- Transcription company name and phone number
- Transcript: Upon completing a transcript, the Transcriber files and uploads it to CM/ECF. The transcript PDF is restricted to Court Staff and public computer terminals viewing for 90 days.