ATTENTION: This eventis for ameding Schedule D, E/F ONLY.
Processing Instructions (rev 10/28/2014):
NOTE: Include your matrix (mailing list) (new creditors only) in your schedules PDF document.
- Select Bankruptcy.
- Select BK - Other.
- Enter the case number using the correct format and ensure case name and number match the document you are filing.
- Select Document event: Amendment - Amending Schedules D, E, F for Ch. 7, 11 & 13 (fee)
- Select the party filer list. If not listed, Add/Create New Party.
Browse, verify and attach the document (PDF file).
- Attach additional supportive documents, if applicable.
- Enter the total value amount of the schedules being amended on the Summary of Schedules page.
WARNING! Do not modify the amounts for any other schedules listed on this page.
- Enter the schedules you are amending.
- Modify text if applicable.
- Verify final docket text before submitting onto the case docket.
- Pay applicable filing fees.
- Print the Notice of Electronic filing. This is the verification that the document has been electronically filed.