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Adversary Proceedings: STATUS REPORT

7016-1(a)(2), (4):  Adversary Proceedings: STATUS REPORT

In an adversary proceeding, often the first event in court is an adversary proceeding status conference.  LBR 7016-1 provides the procedures to follow to prepare for the status conference, including meeting with all parties to prepare and file a joint status report.  The procedures support requirements found in FRBP 7016.

  • The court provides a form status report.  See link below
  • Some judges have their own special status report form that is required to be filed.  Check your judge's webpage.
  • For all judges, the status report must be served and filed at least 14 days before the date of the status conference.

Sometimes the parties are not ready for the status conference because the summons has not been filed on all parties, or responsive pleadings have not been filed.  In these and other situations, the parties sometimes file a stipulation to reschedule the status conference. 

  • PLEASE SEE LBR 9071-1 on Stipulations, including proper signatures and obtaining a court order. 
  • PLEASE SEE your judge's webpage to determine if there are special instructions or procedures to follow to prepare for and attend a status conference, including a specific status report form.
Section 4 - Match Local Bankruptcy Rules with Forms
Section Number or LBR Number: 
7016-1(a)(2), (4)