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Chapter 11: SUBCHAPTER V: Trustee's Fee Estimate

2015-3(e):  Chapter 11: SUBCHAPTER V: Trustee's Fee Estimate

LBR 2015-3(e) requires that a Subchapter V trustee must file an estimate of fees and expenses at least 14 days before the deadline to file a Subchapter V Plan. 

  • The court provides a form FEE ESTIMATE -- See link below  

Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 1189, a debtor must file a Subchapter V Plan within 90 days after filing a bankruptcy petition; this plan-filing deadline may be extended only if the court orders an extension.

The United States trustee provides a handbook for Subchapter V trustees.   See link below. 

Section 4 - Match Local Bankruptcy Rules with Forms
Section Number or LBR Number: 