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Filing Bankruptcy: AMENDED FORMS

1007-1(c):  Filing Bankruptcy: AMENDED FORMS 

LBR 1007-1(c) provides debtors the opportunity to file amended forms that were required to begin their bankruptcy case

Errors in Documents: Filing Amended Forms:    Sometimes a debtor files a document that contains errors, omissions,  or is otherwise deficient.  In that situation, a debtor may file the relevant amended statements or schedules to correct the erroneous information or provide information that is missing. 

  • In most instances when the debtor files an amended form, the debtor must ALSO file a Summary of Amended Schedules  See link below.
  • For certain amended forms, a fee is required.  Please consult the fee schedule.  See link below
Section 4 - Match Local Bankruptcy Rules with Forms
Section Number or LBR Number: 
Reference to Common Topics: