9013-1(p)-(q): Motions: There Will NOT BE A HEARING
Some motions may be ruled on without a hearing, without an opportunity to request a hearing, and without additional notice on parties beyond what is required in the specific LBR that identifies the limited number of parties who must be served. For these motions, the party submitting the motion only needs to file a motion, file a notice of motion for order without a hearing, and lodge an order.
- LBR 9013-1(p) provides the procedure to follow when there will not be a hearing, but there is at least one party who must be served with the motion by U.S. mail.
- LBR 9013-1(q) provides the procedure to follow when there will not be a hearing, and there are NO parties who must to be served with the motion by U.S. mail.
There is one LBR form notice that covers both situations:
- See link below
- The form contains checkboxes to indicate whether LBR 9013-1(p) or LBR 9013-1(q) applies.
Section 4 - Match Local Bankruptcy Rules with Forms
Section Number or LBR Number:
Reference to Local Rules and/or Forms: