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VARIANCE: Judicial Variance Statements

3-13:  VARIANCE: Judicial Variance Statements

You may have heard of a judge's "Local Local Rules".  This is a common term to describe when a judge varies from a procedure that has been published for use in the Local Bankruptcy Rules, the Local Bankruptcy Rules Forms, and in The Central Guide (former Court Manual).

Sometimes a judge varies by NOT REQUIRING procedures in a LBR or NOT REQUIRING use of a LBR form.

Sometimes a judge varies by REPLACING a LBR procedure or REPLACING a LBR form with a different procedure or form.

Sometimes a judge varies by ADDING more requirements or more forms than are reference in the LBR and LBR forms.

The accurate name for these modifications is "Judicial Variance".

You can find a judge's "Judicial Variance Statement" on a judge's webpage under the TAB "Instructions"  Not all judges have posted a judicial variance statement. 

Section 3 - Judges' Procedures -- Judges' Webpages
Section Number or LBR Number: 